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Tom's Story

Deaf from birth, and living on a limited income, Tom had a dream of owning his own home, but never knew how to achieve that goal. Tom read a local newspaper article about USDA Rural Development's Self Help Housing program administered by Whatcom-Skagit Housing (WSH) and decided to investigate. Read the rest of Tom's Story

Cathy's Story

Cathy, a single mother of 2 children never thought homeownership would be a possibility. With no savings account, funds did not exist to pay closing costs on a mortgage, let alone the down payment. She and her children lived in a 1975 manufactured home in an isolated area, only because the rent was affordable. The home was not energy efficient and due to electric bills that averaged $300 during the winter, she used a woodstove for heat and hung clothes to dry. The children had no neighbors to play with and because of the long gravel driveway, which accessed the property, they did not have a place to ride bikes or skate boards. Read the rest of Cathy's Story


Thank you so much for everything you and Whatcom Skagit Housing did for us! Thanks to you all, and hard work, I now own my own home. I have a safe home to raise my daughter in with a mortgage loan I can afford. I wouldn’t of been able to do this if it wasn’t for this amazing program. I know my group had our ups and downs, but I am so very grateful for the experience and opportunity provided to myself and all the others in the program. I met some great people and lifelong friends who have become family to me. It was the best “lost time” 16 months of my life. A lot of sacrifices were made, while in the moment didn’t seem worth it many times, but it was all worth it in the end. The blood, sweat, and tears...the long days and nights, the missed events, the missed time with family and my daughter (this was the hardest part)...it was all worth it when I was handed the keys and signed the final paperwork. Thank you.

equal housing opportunity